New Jersey A4909 Compliance New Jersey Assembly Bill 4909

Bias audits and notice requirements
We work with automated tool vendors and New Jersey businesses to prepare for New Jersey Assembly Bill 4909 if it is passed

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What is New Jersey A4909 (and how do we help?)

It is very early in the process, but this law would require any vendor selling automated employment decision tools (AEDT) to have performed an audit within the previous year of selling it to a customer. There are also notice requirements to provide to applicants who are processed through these tools.

Failure to do so could impose penalties to the vendor, up to $1500 per day, per sale.

Proceptual can help vendors prepare for this law and others like it by proactively performing audits of their tools, providing their customers with the confidence they need to purchase these tools in light of shifting public policy and perception.

Conduct your audits and prepare for emerging regulations

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Independent audits allow you to provide your customers with the confidence they need to know that the valuable, powerful tools they have purchased, have been independently audited for bias. It also limits exposure to the risk associated with future regulations.


Notice requirements

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Though this law is far from being passed, there are general notice requirements that this law and many emerging laws are requiring.


Stay up to date

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This and other emerging laws are evolving rapidly.  Proceptual can build and maintain your position as a respected leader in bias prevention.

Our Proven Process

Proceptual’s technology-driven, proven process produces data governance and compliance quickly and accurately.


Step 1: Scoping

  • Is an audit necessary?
  • Which tools must be audited?

Step 2: Data Collection & Cleaning

  • Collect data and clean
  • Comply with internal and external prviacy requirements

Step 3: Auditing & Internal Review

  • Produce Selection rate and Impact Ratio
  • Review data internally for accuracy

Step 4: Notice Requirements Compliance

  • Recommend notice requirements and certify their placement

How do we help?

We offer end to end compliance. This includes:

Initial consultation. We work with you to understand what this law requires of your organization

Bias audits pursuant to New Jersey A4909 (as we learn requirements).  We can produce the audits you need quickly and accurately

We help you identify and implement any other mechanisms or tools needed for compliance

We recommend specific steps to comply with all requirements for New Jersey A4909 and other emerging regulatory requirements


Our team is here to help you navigate emerging regulation of automated hiring systems. Get in touch today to learn more.